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At the Dock

Accessed from the BoatExec Menu Bar,

BoatExec helps you manage many aspects of running your boat.  It includes the ability to configure BoatExec to understand the configuration of your boat and personal preferences through Setup.   Information about your engines is available at a glance, and is used by BoatExec when you are underway.  As you know, there is always an endless shopping list and BoatExec couples shopping lists, purchasing and keeping a parts / supplies inventory into an integrated capability.  Your equipment inventory is integrated with recording each piece of equipment's maintenance schedule.  This information is used by BoatExec to automatically alert you regarding maintenance items you need to do.  Many maintenance activities are ad-hoc and not necessarily linked to a specific piece of equipment.  BoatExec lets you create both scheduled and one-time activities you want it to keep track of.

Please follow the links at the top of this page to see examples of each of these capabilities.