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Passage / Trip Planner

It is tempting to see technology as the key to getting yourself, your crew and your boat safely and comfortably through an offshore passage. But passage planning before you leave the dock and considered modifications along the way are still the most important factors that ensure a successful passage.  It is not all about the latest gear.  Many of the questions we get from cruisers preparing for their first ocean passage relate to the basics. How much water will we use?  How much extra fuel should we have? What about Food if the passage lasts longer than we expect?

BoatExec Planner provides you with an excellent tool for planning your next trip or passage. It uses a significant portion of the information you specified about your boat in the BoatExec Setup form to understand its characteristics and capabilities. With this knowledge, it can provide you with an analysis of your fuel and water consumption and warn of shortfalls. It also can create a comprehensive float plan for you to be printed or emailed to family and friends. As your trip progresses, you can keep this plan updated with the inevitable changes you will make, and with a push of a button, generate a refreshed float plan. This way, your friends and family will always have an up-to-date understanding of your trip.

The contacts you enter on this form, will be identified in your float plan as the primary people who others will be asked to contact if they become concerned about your safety.   After you enter a trip description, generate a test float plan to see how this and other information in the plan is used in the generated float plan.  Then make the appropriate adjustments here and in Setup to tune the float plan to what you want it to be.

When you have entered your trip's description, day plans and crew plan, then come back to this page and press the button at the bottom of the form to create an analysis of your trip.  Read this analysis to understand if you are within safe fuel and water limits.

Before you leave, press the button at the bottom of the form to create a float plan.  You can update or add to this plan as text before you print or email it to your friends and family.